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You can ask questions from various fields - technology, health and diet, loans and credits, law, running a business, investing, hosting and servers, telephone numbers. You can get opinions on thousands of cars, TVs, smartphones, refrigerators and other devices. You can also discuss hundreds of games, movies, series, books. Adding questions is easy - just press the "ask a question" button in the top menu. Questions can be answered using the field below the last reply in a given thread.

Why is it worth asking about different things and being curious about the world? The question of various things and curiosity about the world is key elements of intellectual and personal development. Thanks to this, we gain new knowledge, get to know different perspectives and acquire skills that may be useful in the future. In addition, asking questions and being curious opens us up to new experiences and allows us to discover new passions and interests. This makes us more creative and flexible, which helps us cope better in our personal and professional lives. So it's worth cultivating your curiosity, asking questions and constantly expanding your knowledge.

By answering the questions asked, you help others and it costs you nothing, and at the same time you develop. Helping others can have a positive impact on our physical and mental health. Research shows that people who are committed to helping others have lower risk of heart disease, depression and other stress-related illnesses. Helping others can increase self-esteem, improve mood, and reduce stress. In addition, it can positively affect our relationships with other people, which in turn can affect our mental and emotional health.